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INTLEF 2023 new staff meeting and team building activities in Shanghai headquarters

Release date: 2023-07-26

 July 21st - July 22nd, 2023 , the new employees of INTLEF went to Shanghai headquarters to carry out a two-day training activity. The participants were enthusiastic, got to know their colleagues, integrated into the company, and were full of hope for the future development of the group.


At 11:00 on July 21ST, Group President Mr. He Shicong, Vice President Mr. Wang Bin and other leaders of the company held a meeting in the conference room of Shanghai headquarters for the new recruits, welcome the new recruits into the company and put forward guiding suggestions for their future work direction.


In the afternoon, the staff of each system conducted training exchanges with the new employees。


On the morning of July 22nd, under the leadership of Mr. Song Deqiang, Director of the human Resources Administration System of the Group, the new employees visited Guyi Garden, a national 4A scenic spot in Nanxiang Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, to experience the beauty of the classical garden and taste the special Shanghai food - Nanxiang Xiaolong.


This new employee meeting and team building activity not only let the new recruits feel the corporate culture of INTLEF, but also feel the warmth and cohesion of the INTLEF family!